Commonwealth Special Envoy Sir Donald McKinnon’s statement following Maldives visit

04 June 2013

The Commonwealth Secretary-General’s Special Envoy, Sir Donald McKinnon, visited Maldives on 2-5 June 2013 to discuss recent developments, in the lead up to the Presidential election scheduled for 7 September 2013.

Sir Don said: “I encourage all stakeholders to ensure that a free, fair, inclusive and peaceful Presidential election will be held in September.

“Now is the time that I hope that all Maldivian citizens who have the right to vote take the opportunity to check their details on the gazetted electoral register before the deadline for doing so passes. Voter registers are at their best when the regulatory authority and the political parties work together to ensure their accuracy.

“It is also my hope that the nominated candidates of political parties will be able to contest the election, on a level playing field, so that the election outcome fully reflects the will of the voters. This will be important for the election’s credibility. I would also expect all candidates to accept the outcome of a credible election.”

Sir Don noted that a credible election would provide a vital opportunity for the country to move forward and renew its focus on the strengthening of its democratic institutions and other national priorities.

“Institutional strengthening will require political will and the co-operation of all stakeholders. I would urge all parties to support and contribute to that crucial process.”

Sir Don also stressed the importance of further progress on the recommendation of the Report of the Commission of National Inquiry regarding holding to account perpetrators of police brutality.