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Education ministers and senior officials will converge in London for the 22nd Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers (22CCEM) meeting from May 16-17, 2024. The meeting will discuss ways to further empower 2.6 billion Commonwealth citizens, with inclusive and equitable learning opportunities for all skill levels and life stages.
Read news - Commonwealth ministers urged to harness digital tools for accelerated and inclusive education 
26 April 2024 to 26 April 2024
The Commonwealth Secretariat, in partnership with the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), will launch the Global Youth Development Index (YDI) Update Report 2023 on Friday, 26 April 2024. The report will be launched at Marlborough House, with an online audience from the 56 member states, as part of activities to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the modern Commonwealth.
Blog by Micheala Chan and Angelos Pastras, the Commonwealth Sustainable Energy Transition Youth Action Group.

Education is the cornerstone of the energy transition. In an era dominated by social media, young people are uniquely positioned to leverage their influence to build public consciousness around energy challenges, shape public awareness and garner support for climate and energy policies. Movements such as School Strike for Climate provide a prime example, exemplifying the power of young people to effectively advocate for climate action.
Read news - Blog: Empowering Youth for the Sustainable Energy Transition
One of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by world leaders to guide the global development agenda until 2030 involves taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (UN, 2015a). Without access to climate finance, it is impossible for individuals and communities, especially those in developing countries, to implement ambitious climate actions. Although there is as yet no universally agreed definition of climate finance, the common understanding is that climate finance is critical in curbing climate change impacts.
Read publication - The Availability of Climate Finance for Youth