International Women’s Day 2015: ‘Equality for Women is Progress for All’
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International Women’s Day 2015: ‘Equality for Women is Progress for All’
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The theme for International Women’s Day 2015 is ‘Equality for Women is Progress for All’.
Durban bids to host XXII Commonwealth Games
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Durban bids to host XXII Commonwealth Games
Kamalesh Sharma addressed the High Level Segment of the UN Human Rights Council's 28th Regular Session in Geneva on 3 March 2015.
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Secretary-General addresses UN Human Rights Council
The Commonwealth of Learning has set out a strategy to expand the “efficiency, scale and quality” of education across the 53-nation Commonwealth community.
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Commonwealth of Learning targets education and skills in developing countries
Education Ministers Meeting “critical” for better education systems
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Education Ministers Meeting “critical” for better education systems
Reception to Launch 2015 Commonwealth Business Forum. Remarks by Commonwealth Secretary-General, Kamalesh Sharma
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Reception to launch 2015 Commonwealth Business Forum
World Day of Social Justice - 20 February. Statement by Commonwealth Secretary-General.
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World Day of Social Justice - 20 February
Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma announces the new online health initiative ‘CommonHealth’.
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Secretary-General announces new online health initiative ‘CommonHealth’
Africa Region Youth Ministers made a number of commitments in a statement to advance youth development across the region with a view to giving young people better support and resources.
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Youth Ministers endeavour to stem rising threat of extremism by prioritising youth development
International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation – 6 February . Statement by Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma
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International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation – 6 February
Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) helps over 30,000 Commonwealth citizens gain Masters and PhD qualifications
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Commonwealth Scholarships: 50 years of building human resources
Hub and Spokes II Programme: planning, coordination and governance meeting - welcome and opening remarks by Deodat Maharaj, Deputy Secretary General
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Enhancing Trade Capacity Development in Africa, Caribbean and the Pacific
The next Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) will be held in Malta, from 27 to 29 November 2015.
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Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting to be held on 27-29 November 2015
The event is to mark the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace and will be held at Marlborough House.
10 March 2015 to 10 March 2015
The regional and pan- Commonwealth winners of the Youth Awards for Excellence in Development will be announced as part of Commonwealth Week at an official ceremony in Marlborough House.
27 January 2015 to 29 January 2015
700 young people from across Cameroon will meet to discuss the challenges and opportunities for the young people of the country.
The Education Good Practice Awards deadline has been extended to 16 February 2015.
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Education Good Practice Awards deadline extended
Celebrating the year in pictures
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The Commonwealth in 2014
On Human Rights Day, at the Commonwealth Secretariat in London, ‘The Commonwealth Community Choir Competition 2015 – Music for Peace and Development’ was launched.
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Launch of Commonwealth Community Choir Competition 2015
Youth entrepreneurship organisations from thirteen Commonwealth countries across the Caribbean and including Canada have agreed to form a regional alliance of young entrepreneurs
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Youth organisations agree on young entrepreneurs alliance for Caribbean and Canada
To mark Human Rights Day on 10 December, the Commonwealth Secretariat hosted a panel discussion with the theme of ‘Why Rights?’
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Experts call on governments to protect the rights of women and girls
Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma's Human Rights Day statement, Marlborough House
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Secretary-General's statement on Human Rights Day 2014
Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma concluded a visit to India this week, where he met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi to discuss the deepening engagement and leadership by India in the Commonwealth.
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Secretary-General concludes visit to India
Commonwealth Secretariat launches practical resource guide for youth workers and civil society organisations
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Resource for creating and managing youth clubs launched