This project has been made possible by the funding received from the ‘Commonwealth window’ of the India-UN Development Partnership Fund

The project aims to create decent work and inclusive sustainable growth for Barbadian citizens and businesses through increased local participation in the supply of goods and services to the energy sector in-country value chain. This will be achieved through strengthening the enabling framework for local content development and implementation of a local content development programme to increase Barbadian citizens’ and businesses competitiveness and access to business opportunities in the energy value chain in the country.

The key project activities include:
  • formulation of a local content development policy.
  • drafting of local content legislation.
  • detailed diagnostic and assessment study to establish the competitiveness and potential of local producers and suppliers in supplying international companies operating in the energy sector in Barbados.
  • technical support in facilitating negotiations to establish business linkages between the international energy companies (IECs) and local producers and suppliers of goods and services.
  • seminars for local manufacturers and local service providers to improve their competitiveness and access to business opportunities in the energy value chain in Barbados.
  • consultancy services support to local businesses to improve their capacity to meet procurement requirements by IECs including participating in bidding process.
  • capacity building through on the job training for government officials in the oversight of local content requirements by international companies.
  • developing a 15-year long term strategy for the implementation of a financial and technical assistance programme (FTAP) to enhance competitiveness of local producers and suppliers.
  •  establishment of a secretariat of the FTAP and supporting funding facility for local businesses – FTAP fund.
  • preparation of guidelines, legislation, and agreement for the establishment of FTAP fund board of trustees and board of management.
Project duration: 2 years
Project budget: USD 575,000

This project is implemented by the Commonwealth Secretariat partnering with the Barbadian Ministry of Energy and Business which is the main partner Government institution, the Ministry of Industry and International Business, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, and Office of the Attorney General in Barbados; the Barbados Manufacturing Association; the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry; the Barbados Coalition of Service Providers; the Barbados Investment and Development Corporation, the Technical, Vocational, Educational Training Council and the Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology.

The project was granted final approval from the India UN Partnership Fund Board to receive funding in September 2020 to commence project implementation.

This project has been made possible by the funding received from the India-UN Development Partnership Fund – ‘Commonwealth window’

Project update

June 2020 Detailed Prodoc preparation in consultation with UNOSSC, UNOPS, and Government of Barbados.
July 2020 Finalisation of the Prodoc involving consultative meetings between UNOSSC, UNOPS and ComSec. Completion of UNOPS Due Diligence on ComSec.
August 2020 Internal UNOPS project approval process completed, including provision of inputs e.g. Gantt Chart of project activities by ComSec to facilitate this process.
September 2020 Providing drafting inputs in connection with 3rd Anniversary of the India-UN Development Partnership Fund.
October 2020 Preparation of draft AWP in collaboration with UNOPS, and consultation with Government.
November 2020 AWP finalised in consultation with the Government of Barbados
November 2020 to September 2021 Delayed India – UN funding availability following COVID 19 outbreak, however, progress achieved on part of the implementation phase with ComSec resources including first draft of Energy Local Content Policy, first draft Local Content Regulations, and draft TOR for Energy Local Content Consultancy assignment.

2022 completed deliverables

Following funding availability in November 2021, a range of specific outputs have been completed during 2022.

1. Procurement of a local content expert

Selection and award of contract for a local content consultant for Phases 1 and 2 of the project implementation in April 2022, after a successful re-tendering process.

2. Draft local content policy, local content Act, and local content regulations for the energy sector (renewable and non-renewable energy sources).

Following consultations with the Government for energy sector wide local content instruments, the following were achieved:

  • Final Draft Energy Local Content Policy.
  • Final Draft local content Act for the energy sector.
  • Final Draft local content regulations for the energy sector.

The following set of key deliverables were achieved towards developing a Technical Assistance Programme (TAP) for Local Manufacturers and Service Providers.

3. Diagnostic and assessment study to establish the competitiveness and potential of local suppliers to supply international energy companies operating in the energy sector in Barbados.
  • Local content industrial survey in the energy industry in Barbados, covering local industry bodies, associations, and suppliers, including academic and training institutions in Barbados and identifying the existing capacity and gaps of local suppliers in meeting the business needs of the energy industry value chain in Barbados.
  • Engagement of local suppliers for goods and services suppliers in the energy value chain in the country through a stakeholder workshop conducted in Barbados to understand their needs and challenges in respect of energy industry local content development.
  • A diagnostic assessment and development of a supplier database management system (SDMS) for local suppliers in the energy industry value chain in Barbados.
4. Providing technical support in facilitating the creation of initial business linkages between the international oil companies and local suppliers in over 30 sectors.
  • Workshop and “Share Fair” conducted in Barbados (a business development event to facilitate information sharing on Barbadian energy industry business opportunities, business networking and creation of initial business linkages between local suppliers and companies/project sponsors).

YouTube of local content workshop/fair event.

5. Designing specifications for a Technical Assistance Programme for improving competitiveness and market access of local producers and suppliers in the oil and gas value chain in Barbados.
  • Working details and specifications of the Financial Technical Assistance Programme (FTAP) developed in the Report to complete Phase 1 of the project.

2023 planned deliverables

1. Conducting seminars for local manufacturers and local service providers to improve their competitiveness and access to business opportunities in the energy value chain in Barbados.
  • Capacity building workshop in February 2023 for local suppliers to support Barbadian workforce, manufacturers, and goods and service providers to develop their capability and competitiveness to participate more effectively in the supply of personnel, goods and services in the emerging energy industry in Barbados.

Media links to the local content capacity building workshop

2. Providing consultancy services support to local producers and suppliers to improve their capacity to meet procurement requirements by international companies including participating in bidding processes.
  • Capacity building workshop for local suppliers in February 2023. On-going activities to be sustained by the Local Content Unit (established in the proposed draft Energy Local Content Act) with its office currently set up at the Ministry of Energy and Business.
3. Conducting capacity building through on-the-job training for government officials in oversight of local content compliance by international companies.
  • Completing a capacity needs assessment and capacity-building programme for government officials responsible for local content oversight in the energy industry;
  • Conducting a capacity building workshop for government officials responsible for energy local content oversight and implementation in April 2023;
  • On-the-job training and coaching by the local content expert for officials responsible for energy local content oversight;
  • Advising on placement of government technical staff on field attachments with international energy companies (IECs) and deepening the involvement of the Local Content Unit staff in project implementation.
4. Developing a 15-year long-term strategy for implementation of a financial and technical assistance programme (FTAP) to enhance competitiveness of local suppliers.
  • Developing a 15-year strategy/program for the development and operation of the FTAP
  • Production of drafting guidelines on the FTAP legislation for establishing FTAP funding including a Board of Trustees and Board of Management of FTAP Fund by Act of Parliament
5. Establishing a web-based supplier database management system – SDMS
  • Migration of the SDMS from a desktop application into an online web based application
6. Project Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL).
  • Conduct end of project MEL.

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