CSET Children and Youth Challenge - Category B

Category B - Prototypes of technological solutions or innovations developed by the children and youth with or for sustainable energy

Come up with new ideas and inventions that use clean and safe sources of energy (like wind or solar power) to help our planet, as part of the CSET: Children and Youth Challenge. You get to create something new and exciting that can make a real difference! 

Entries must be submitted in English.

If you have any problems with this form please contact us.

Project details

One file only.
32 MB limit.
Allowed types: avi, mov, mp4, ogg, wav, webm.
One file only.
32 MB limit.
Allowed types: mp3, ogg, wav.
Maximum 5 files.
32 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
One file only.
32 MB limit.
Allowed types: avi, mov, mp4, ogg, wav, webm.

Project impact

Project cost

One file only.
32 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.