Train the Trainer - Using CS-DRMS 2.0 for managing Public Debt

Event date: 12 January 2015, 0:00 - 23 January 2015, 0:00

Workshop on the effective use of the latest version of CS-DRMS to support debt management operations with particular emphasis on the advanced features incorporated into the software to empower debt managers to record complex financial instruments, better monitor their debt portfolios and manage inherent risks.

Event Location:
Grange Wellington Hotel, London

This workshop is being organised following the recent release of the latest version of CS-DRMS.

The software is presently being used by more than 60 countries within and outside the Commonwealth.

Given the wide range of advanced features added in the software, countries would need to develop new skills to make effective use of the latest version to better support their debt management operations.

Around twenty carefully selected debt managers and consultants from different Commonwealth regions will attend the two week workshop in London.

Thereafter, the Secretariat envisages enlisting the services of the participants as trainers to assist in building capacity in the use of CS-DRMS v2.0 in various countries.

View CS-DRMS v2.0 brochure 

View workshop programme