Covid-19 and Girls’ Access to Education

Event date: 10 December 2020, 14:00 - 16:00

The Commonwealth Secretariat is hosting a webinar on Covid-19 and girls’ access to education.

The Commonwealth Secretariat is hosting a webinar on Covid-19 and girls’ access to education.

The event will take place on International Human Rights Day on 10 December, from 2-4pm GMT.

It will be in the form of a panel discussion with leading experts in the field, including United Nations special procedures, civil society organisations and member states.

Participants will be able to engage directly with presenters on key issues.

The webinar will examine different countries’ responses to the pandemic and the impacts on access to education for girls.

It will highlight good practices that have emerged and discuss additional measures that can be taken to support countries and domestic and international organisations.

This includes efforts to ensure girls are able to continue attending school if possible and have access to online education, as well as addressing the increase in vulnerabilities to violence.

The event will also focus on how measures and responses enable member states to build back better.

Register for the event Covid-19 and Girls’ Access to Education