Commonwealth Business Forum (CBF)

Event date: 24 November 2015, 0:00 - 26 November 2015, 0:00

The CBF took place for the first time at the Edinburgh CHOGM of 1997; since then it has featured prominently as part of the CHOGM programme.

Held in the run up to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), the Commonwealth Business Forum (CBF) is joinly organised by the Government of Malta and the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council.

The CBF is the major business event in the Commonwealth calendar and brings together Heads of Government, Ministers and top business leaders from around the globe. The CBF also serves as a platform for Commonwealth nations to showcase investment opportunities to the global business community.

The theme for the Business Forum is 'Adding Global Value - Creating a More Prosperous Commonwealth'. This theme reflects the main CHOGM theme of 'The Commonwealth - Adding Global Value' and provides a business perspective on how the Commonwealth can provide practical and tangible support to governments and the private sector to help create prosperity and sustainable economic development across the Commonwealth.

Find out more about the Business Forum

Social media: #cbfmalta @chogm2015mt @MaltaGov @commonwealthsec #chogm2015