Financing individuals to further their education

18 April 2016

Hub discussion explores ways to increase loans, scholarships and other forms of education funding

A new discussion on boosting the number of scholarships, bursaries and other types of education funding for individuals has kicked-off on the Commonwealth Education Hub.

The online conversation will make the connection between investment in education and people, and wellbeing and sustainable development. Participants will explore strategies to increase the number of scholarships and other similar financial support to individuals in developing countries. Fostering intra-Commonwealth and international collaborations is one of the measures expected to be discussed during the forum.

The ediscussion is co-moderated by Chemwi Mutiwanyuka, a Programme Analyst at the Association for the Development of Education in Africa, and Professor Crispus Kiamba, Chair of the Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships Plan Task Force and a professor at the University of Nairobi.

To join the discussion visit our Education Hub and email your contribution