The forum will be held in the margins of the biennial Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Kigali, Rwanda, between 19-21 June 2022, with the theme ‘Taking Charge of our Future’.
The forum is a rallying call to the 1.2 billion young people within the Commonwealth - who form 60% of the population, and many of which have been disenfranchised and adversely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic – to take increased responsibility and ownership of building the Commonwealth they want to see in the future.
The three-day programme will bring together 350 youth leaders from across the Commonwealth to create the CYF Youth Declaration and Action Plan - a blueprint that will guide the work of the Commonwealth Youth Council (CYC) and the 12 Commonwealth Youth Networks over the next two years. These recommendations will also be presented to heads of government and stakeholders at CHOGM.
Meet the Taskforce
The taskforce - made up of 21 youth leaders from across the Commonwealth - develops, designs and executes the youth forum, in partnership with the Commonwealth Secretariat, the CYC and the Government of Rwanda.
It is co-chaired by Darrion Narine, representing CYC, and Alodie Iradukunda, Chair of National Youth Council of Rwanda.
Darrion said: “The CYF taskforce is energised and ready to deliver a forum that will get young people engaging in critical thought around the major issues impacting youths across the Commonwealth.
“Young people are key to a successful future for all Commonwealth citizens. Therefore, it is vital they are given a platform to communicate their views, hopes and aspirations, to leaders and change-makers around the world.”
Alodie said: “The CYF provides an opportunity for young people to be a part of decision-making that will ultimately impact their lives.
“The main goal of this year's forum is to create an actionable implementation plan for the next two years on issues that are relevant to young people and the Commonwealth at large.
“As members of the task force, we hope to build the right frameworks to galvanise young participants and allow them to share their ideas and reach a consensus that sparks positive change.”
Layne Robinson, Head of Social Policy Development, at the Commonwealth Secretariat’s Economic, Youth and Sustainable Development Directorate, said: “The Commonwealth Youth Forum is an important opportunity for the Commonwealth’s youth to make their voices heard by leaders on key issues impacting lives across the globe.
“As affirmed in Article 13 of the Commonwealth Charter, the Commonwealth’s 1.2 billion young people are crucial to a successful, prosperous, sustainable, and fair future for all.
“The Commonwealth Secretariat is committed to hearing their voices and supporting the taskforce to deliver opportunities for meaningful action at the CYF.”
Solange Tetero, Director General of Youth Empowerment for the Rwandan Government, said: “The 12th Commonwealth Youth Forum is yet another opportunity to honour our commitment to empowering young people.
“At the core of this momentous event, we will have the CYF International Taskforce. This will act as a channel through which young people will have the chance to lend their voice to policy actions that will shape a future they deserve.”
For further information about how to be a participant at the forum, accreditation and administrative arrangements, contact the Commonwealth Youth team.